Science Week - March 2025

Week beginning 10 March 2025

In Year 2, we have been learning about animals including humans. This week for British Science Week, we joined a live session on a farm! We met chickens, goats and sheep. We watched a goat being milked and how to make goat’s cheese. Then a chef made ratatouille with the goat’s cheese on top. Mmmmm! 

We learnt about how the farm creates habitats for other animals such as planting an orchard and creating a pond. We had a think about how we can encourage and take care of animals’ habitats such as to plant wild flowers, not to stand on plants and flowers (including around our school!), set up bird feeders and insect hotels. 

The farmers were also energy experts and used fire/ heat and solar panels for energy and encouraged us to save energy by turning off lights, not letting taps drip and to wear a jumper rather than turning up the heating. We also considered how to avoid waste by using the whole of a vegetable and eating left-over food. 

Later in the week, as part of the British Science Week focus on ‘Adapt and Change’, we learnt that the glowing spider worm larvae in caves in New Zealand is able to produce threads of silk and a sticky mucus substance to catch bugs to eat. It lures the bugs in with its glowing lights in the cave. 

The Year 2 children created caves with cardboard boxes and tested different sticky substances to see which one was best at ‘catching’ bugs! 

The week beginning 10 March was British Science Week! This year's theme was Adapt and Change. Attached is a document full of scientific activities you can explore at home!